Python basics
Python Basics-
Introduction to python-
- Python is a Simple programming language.
- It is free & open source
- It is a High level programming language.
- Developed by Gudio van Rossum.
- It is portable on all Operating systems.
Python Character Set-
- Letters ( A-Z and a-z) means it is case sensitive languages in python Uppercase and Lowercase letters are different.
- Digits (0-9).
- Special symbols (- + * / etc.)
- White spaces (blank Space, tab, Carriage return, newline, form feed.)
- Other character set - Python can access all ASCII and UNICODE characters .
Rules for Identifiers-
- Identifiers can be combination of Uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, or an Underscore(_)
- An Identifier can not start with digit. So while Variable1 is valid , 1Variable is not valid as a variable name.
- We can not use special symbols like (!, #, @,%,$ etc.)
- identifier can be of any length.
Variables name should be:
- Simple
- Short
- Meaningful
Data Types
Main Data types in python are-
- Integers- (+ve, -ve, (negative infinity to positive infinity)) int
- Strings - (names, sentences, paragraphs) str " ", ' ', ''' '''.
- Float- (Decimal Values - 1.2, 2.0, 34.5)
- Boolean-(True and False.)
- None- Where we do not want to store any kind of value.
Python Keywords
Keywords in Python are reserved words that can not be used as a variable name, function name, or any other identifier.
List of Keywords in Python
Keyword | Description | Keyword | Description | Keyword | Description |
and | It is a Logical Operator | False | Represents an expression that will result in not being true. | nonlocal | It is a non-local variable |
as | It is used to create an alias name | finally | It is used with exceptions | not | It is a Logical Operator |
assert | It is used for debugging | for | It is used to create Loop | or | It is a Logical Operator |
break | Break out a Loop | from | To import specific parts of a module | pass | pass is used when the user doesn’t want any code to execute |
class | It is used to define a class | global | It is used to declare a global variable | raise | raise is used to raise exceptions or errors. |
continue | Skip the next iteration of a loop | if | To create a Conditional Statement | return | return is used to end the execution |
def | It is used to define the Function | import | It is used to import a module | True | Represents an expression that will result in true. |
del | It is used to delete an object | is | It is used to test if two variables are equal | try | Try is used to handle errors |
elif | Conditional statements, same as else-if | in | To check if a value is present in a Tuple, List, etc. | while | While Loop is used to execute a block of statements |
else | It is used in a conditional statement | lambda | Used to create an anonymous function | with | with statement is used in exception handling |
except | try-except is used to handle these errors | None | It represents a null value | yield | yield keyword is used to create a generator function |
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